Weight loss

Weight Loss Resolutions

When you’re making a New Year’s Resolution to lose weight it’s important to be truly committed to your weight loss plan before you get started. Here are some tips on how to reach your goals.

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Weight loss books

Weight loss

Good Carb Diet Overview

Find out everything you need to know about the three-phase plan that has been likened to the low-carbohydrate Atkins program and lose those extra pounds in a matter of days.

Haochen Fan, Christina Wesley

Weight loss

Top 10 Weight Loss Myths

Weight loss myths are everywhere you look and they can be detrimental to your health as well as the goals you have set for yourself. It is necessary to take the ideas you have about losing weight and turn them on their side. Put your knowledge to the test. Don't fall victim to information that is hazardous to your health.


Weight loss

Guide To Help Teenagers Lose Weight

There are many cases of teen obesity caused by the imbalance of consumed calories and physical activity. Find out how to properly eat and exercise in order to avoid getting overweight.

License: Master Resell Rights

Weight loss

100 Weight Loss Tips

This eBook is your guide to losing that first ten pounds that most people struggle with. It's amazing what little changes that revolve around eating right and getting your body moving can help you lose ten pounds and live happily.

Helen Thomson